2020 Posters
Class of 2020 Capstone Posters
Addy, Kyle - Developing software to analyze metadata from the Twitter API to identify trends
Armstrong, Hanna - Measuring ground reaction forces with shoe insole sensors
Bearinger, Max - The effects of aerosolized opioids on the hearts of ferrets
Bergeron, Cade - Protein regulators of endoplasmic reticulum exodosis: TALK1
Blanken, Nathan - Impact of South Georgia Island on southern Atlantic Ocean surface wind patterns: wind shadows and corner accelerations
Capalongo, Dillon - Developing a logic unit to command a system that corrects air traffic communication errors
Cardella, Gabriel - Creating a predictive model for G-force experienced by a fighter pilot in combat
Carey, Thomas - Antibiotic use in companion animals at Veterinary treatment facilities
Chiu, Russell - Modifying eleModification of electronic timbre using the Fourier transform
Coogan, Zachary - Assessing the need for short- and long-term hearing protection training
Cook, Emma - Using EEG power analysis to detect nerve agent-induced seizure recurrence after treatment with ketamine or Propofol
Davis, Caraline - The effectiveness of antiviral drugs against HSV and their interactions with human liver and kidney S9
Davis, Connor - Optimization of hydrogen embrittlement effects in high strength steels
Davis, William - Replicating the Instron 3340 using a Vernier Structures and Materials Tester
Demos, Evan - Mechanically engineering a custom thermal cycler
Dimick, Nathaniel - Testing the electrical performance of different concentrations of Agarose gel
Dunning, Ryan - Developing a computer interface for a custom thermocycler
Eilman, Nathaniel - Detonation analysis using neural networks
Foy, Katherine - Mapping urban tree canopies over impervious surfaces in Bel Air
Hobbs, Cameron - Using robotic process automation (RPA) to create intelligent tools
Hong, Suhwan - Development of a control system for a PCR thermocycler
Khoshkhoo, Dan - Improving fluid detection accuracy on the BD Max with machine learning
Knap, Sophia - Writing code in C to process and visualize deformation gradients
Kraczek, Jared - Predicting nitrate and arsenic in Maryland drinking water
Lee, Hannah - Developing an assay to explore the relationship between enzyme and reactivator during reactivation
Lein, Samantha - Analyzing the finger tracking accuracy of distance and motion sensors
Linz, Emily - Stereotaxic atlas of the nerve agent exposed rat brain
Menon, Amol - Using machine learning to detect rare events in molecular dynamics simulations
Nasir, Salman - Utilizing machine learning to solve the equivalent mutant problem
Obilo, Faith - Creating a mindfulness intervention for women taking methadone to prevent relapse
Oguh, David - Engineering a novel method for detecting SQL injections through string type analysis
Pappas, Christopher - Analyzing transit data to determine the habitability of exoplanets
Pappas, Nicholas - Developing and testing a software capable of retrieving avionics software version information on various military aircrafts
Rosado, Sebastian - Establishing a relationship between nerve agent-induced seizures and body temperature
Rosser, Mark - Feasibility of using indigenous materials as fillers for 3D printing media
Siedlecki, Adam - Optical detection of defective conveyor belt rollers
Simoni, Matthew - Human influence affecting machine learning through navigation
Solomon, Benjamin - Delineating floodplains of rivers in Maryland using HEC-RAS one-dimensional analysis
Trexler, Alex - Developing a self-sealing shear force suction cup for climbing robots
Wheeler, Jacob - Altering the surface chemistry of carbon fibers through electrochemistry
Williford, Kyle - Researching the benefits of containerized software
Zbozny, Joshua - Creating a machine learning algorithm to detect clickbait articles
Zimmerman, Emma - Using MATLAB to create a desktop program that analyzes squat form